Boys and Girls Brigade

On May 13th 2018 at the 10.00am Service, God willing we shall be inaugurating The Boys and Girls Brigade Unit of our Church. 

Boys’ Brigade was the first voluntary uniformed youth movement in the world and many of today’s organizations for young people can trace their roots back through history to The Boys’ Brigade.

The Boys’ Brigade was founded in Glasgow on 4th October 1883 by Sir William Alexander Smith. From this one Company formed in Scotland the Brigade has grown into a worldwide movement having worked with millions of children and young people for well over a century.

William A. Smith was an Army Officer before the Lord called him for his work; he abandoned his military service and became a Sundayschool Teacher at Free Church Mission, Northwood Side Hall in Glasgow Scotland. It was found during the time parents left their children uncared for. Therefore, children became wild, undisciplined and were not properly thought with the Bible, hence as an enthusiastic Sundayschool Teacher, he discovered what was going on and applied his military knowledge forming what is called BOYS BRIGADE in order to see that children hear the word of God.

Boys Brigade is founded between two pillars; Religion and Discipline.

It trains boys to become physically, socially, educationally and spiritually fit. It is a movement of boys from the age of six and above.

Luke 2:52 “And JESUS increased in wisdom and statue and in favour with God and man. Increased in wisdom- (Educational); Increased in Statue- (Physical); In favour with God- (Spiritually); In favour with man- (Social).

The object of boys’ brigade is the “advancement of Christ’s kingdom among boys and promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self-control and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.

In 1908 Boys Brigade came into Nigeria through Dr. Mac Milliam at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Ebute Ero, Lagos.

Naturally, everything that applied to the boys in this age bracket also applied to the Girls. So, ten years later, there was need for the formation of The Girls Brigade.

The Girls Brigade was founded by Sunday School Union in United Kingdom in the year 1893 by Mrs. Margaret Beauty. Girls Brigade came into Nigeria in the year 1942.

It was formed with two pillars; Bible Study and Physical Training.

To help girls become followers of our Lord Jesus Christ through reverence, self-control and sense of responsibility to find the enlistment of life.

Minimum age of admission is 6, and training sessions have commenced. However, in view of the reordering of the Adult meeting times, there might be need to adjust the Meeting and Training Sessions, to align with the new timing for the Adults.

Please registers your kids and wards, and let’s build them a greater tomorrow.

Thank you.

Your Vicar and Friend,

 The Revd. Canon Kiri Wakama
