Our Month of No Delays; No Lateness ii

If you are not careful, many things will be kept pending from your life while you think that more patience is what you need.  There is a time for patience, but there is also a time for manifestation.  Every word that God gives to you has an appointed time.  You must not entertain anything outside of the appointed time of God.  When this begins to happen, you must know that demonic delay is being introduced into your life. That is the point at which you must become very vigorous in your prayers.  

Delays can be Divine, Demonic or Self-inflicted.

There was a delay in Jesus responding to the call for Lazarus, and when asked, He said in John 11: 4b, that it was for the glory of God, so that the son of man may be glorified. There was a delay in the release of Joseph in Egyptian prison, for a set time so he could interpret Pharaoh’s dream and become Prime Minister. These are Divine delays; God’s ways are not our ways.

 However, Delays could be demonic.  When a man is operating under a curse, he will ever remain a struggler until he is set free. But to remain free he must not play with sin!

In 1stThess. 2: 18 the great Apostle Paul, was delayed by Demonic activities. “Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us”.

 Delays could also be Self-inflected.  Dispute Within the Home Can Cause Delays. When the husband is not giving the honour due his wife – 1st  Peter 3: 7 …Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them…giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel… that your prayers be not hindered. Or when anger takes the better part of you. Eph. 4: 26-27 Be ye angry, and sin not: … Neither give place to the devil. A lot of people get angry and sin and that opens the door for Satan to come in wreak havoc in your home. Anger should be dealt with quickly.

 Wrong use of the tongue Num. 14: 27-33 – The children of Israel murmured and God thereafter delayed the whole nation for 40yrs. Watch what you say.

 How do you escape delay?

1.       Righteousness: – In Joshua 7; Joshua led the children of Israel to conquer Jericho, but Achan stole an accursed thing, and Israel was defeated, their victory was delayed. Sin caused the delay, it’s righteousness that can deliver you. It may be because of that sin you are hiding that your success is delayed. Lose yourself. Come out of it.

2.     Divine Intervention: – Pharaoh delayed Israel, until God said enough is enough, and with his hand he brought them out and took them in into destiny. In Exodus 3: 7b, God said He has heard the prayers of His children the Israelites; If you desire Divine intervention, you must pray. Prayerlessness, wrong praying, or very little prayer will also delay you from your destiny.

Your Vicar and friend

The Revd. Canon Kiri Wakama
