Our Month of ‘Divine Illumination’ ii

It’s our month of Divine Illumination, a month where are prayer focus is for God to “open our eyes that we may see wondrous things from His law – the bible.” The Bible is full of wondrous things. Everything we need in life to make a success of living is in the Bible. But like everything precious; it is not easily accessible. The wondrous things are vailed. You might go through the Bible and find none of it. The Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8; was reading but got nothing out of the Bible until it was well explained to him. It has to be unveiled to be seen and put to use, your eyes have to be opened in the spirit to see the wonders therein.

After the death of Moses, there was a lacuna nobody ordinarily could fill, in leading the children of God the Israelites to the promise land. Moses was larger than life. The mantle fell on one of his deputies, a man called Joshua, and the Lord instructed him accordingly in Joshua 1: 8, say “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

 Meaning you must know this book, by reading it, and constantly confess it, meditate on it always, day and night, then you operate according to ALL that is written in it. It is only then that you will have good success. Now, this sounds almost impossible, but so thank God for Jesus, who is the fulfilment of this law, and through whom we can do all things.

The Bible is the breath of God, not an ordinary book. Our Lord Jesus Christ affirmed this when in John 6: 63 He declared that His words (the Bible) are spirit and life. To have an understanding therefore, you must be in the spirit, because according to that passage, the flesh (which is man in his ordinary form) profits nothing. Reading the Bible without the spirit is like reading a novel, literature. That is why we have to pray for ‘God to open our eyes, to see the wonders from the Bible’ – Psalm 119: 18. It is only God that can open our eyes to see these wonders!

In 2nd Cor. 3: 4-6, Apostle Paul writing to the Corinthians assures them that because of their trust towards God through Jesus Christ, God has made them sufficient Ministers of the New Covenant of the Spirit, explaining to them that the letter (of the bible) kills, but the Spirit (of the bible) gives life.

We have a Bible reading plan to complete the bible in one year. First, we have to follow it, but in following the plan, our prayer should be for God to open our spiritual eyes to His wonders in His word, and for Him to explain to us what we are reading. Then and only then can we get wonders out of His words.

I beseech you to please take this reading plan seriously and prayerfully, and the much talked about transformation will come.

 God bless you.

Your vicar and friend.

The Revd. Canon Kiri Wakama  

